Sunday, November 18, 2007

Day 3 - Heading Home

After a fine ride with El Tour De Tucson yesterday, Bob and I made our way home today, another 130 mile ride.

We started the day with breakfast at the Kettle Restaurant in Tucson:

Waitress: "Good morning, would you gentlemen like to try our all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet?"

Brad & Bob (in unison) "Why yes! Thank you! (Big grins all around)

Three plates later...ahem...we agreed that Kettle puts on a great buffet. See you next time, folks!

We departed around 8 a.m. As we were rolling north out of town, a car drove next to us at a stoplight, bikes on the roof, they had obviously ridden in El Tour. The passenger asked "If we were riding home from El Tour"? Answer "Yeah"! "How far today then"? "Oh...about 130 miles or so". Both of their mouths literally "dropped open" as we sped off. ;->.

Our first stop was Catalina, which is about 30 miles up the road from Tucson. It was a steady climb, but riding conditions were great. We got water at Catalina and then cruised along the "Tom Mix Highway" (see Nov. 15th post) or "The Wilderness," as Bob calls it. It's pretty rural and remote, but we clipped right along, averaging around 20-22 mph, and made it to Florence for lunch.

By early evening we were in Mesa where Bob's wife Ginny had prepared a great celebratory meal! And - of course - Bob and I were both...well...hungry just doesn't seem the best, most appropriate, word. Famished, that's it! We were famished! Thanks Ginny!

I want to thank everyone for following the blog and helping spread the word about the symptoms of ovarian cancer. It's been nearly three years since Susan's death; this ride was for her and the other women who have died too soon because of this killer. Please spread the word and help to raise awareness.

Thanks for your ongoing support. And stay tuned for more CycleQuest ride news!

Brad (and Bob!)


Deb said...

Hi Brad ans Bob - Sounds like a fantastic trip! I know that Susan is riding with you and the trip has already made a difference for so many you have touched along the way. I wish I could have been along the road to cheer you on. I'm there in spirit and hope to see you you soon. Much love, Deb

Ginny said...

I am preparing the welcome home feast as we speak!I can hardly wait to hear the tales of the road. Ride fast and safe!Thinking about the next adventure already. Aren't you.

Vicki said...

Oh my, this one went by so fast. It was short and sweet. I am so thankful for the "all you can eat" buffets and I am so thankful that if you touched or saved one person this past 2 days that you have reached success. I too wish I could be along side or at any single point along the way. I'd even go ahead and scout out potential "targets", oh I mean diners for meals...... Safety to you on the final 60 miles and to the wonderful way to be remembering Susan and promoting knowledge. Look out Ginny.....

Denise said...

You did it again, men (I started to say boys!)!!! You're SOMETHING ELSE!!! If I were a spider, I would weave, "SOME PEDLARS" (Charlotte's Web). Happy Recovery! My Love to always!

KellyB said...

Hey Brad and Bob,
I am glad you made a successful journey once again. Brad, thank you for increasing Ovarian Cancer awareness for I have learned many signs and symptoms from your dedicated work. Your heart and laughter is what I miss most from working together.
Have a great holiday season and keep in touch. I love your updates and can hear your voice in them, Kellyb

Unknown said...

I am so thankful for the "all you can eat" buffets...

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