Sunday, July 15, 2007

CycleQuest is Underway!

What a great day to begin our ride across the heartland of America. We departed Vail, Colorado about 8 a.m. under beautiful, sunny skies with temperatures in the 60s. We experienced some hard riding through Loveland pass in the thin air of 12,000 feet. Logged 75 miles in nearly seven hours of hard riding, with 7,500 feet of climbing on opening day.

Team member Bob Lewis dubbed Loveland Pass "Two Apple Pass" because of the food intake it requires to ride the challenging climb.

Bob and I faced a cold rain on a lengthy, mountainous downhill, but abundant hot coffee and a great lunch at the Georgetown Coffee Cafe in Georgetown revived us.

We spoke with several people throughout the day about the purpose of CycleQuest. We hope they keep in touch and help to raise awareness.

The CycleQuest team is spending the night in Idaho Springs.

By the end of Monday the 16th - day two - we will be past Denver, positioned to pedal across the plains as we continue our odyssey to raise awareness about the symptoms of ovarian cancer. Susan is in our thoughts, of course, and she's no doubt looking down from Heaven and cheering us ever onward.

Thanks for all your support, thoughts and prayers. We feel it!


Media Advisory:To schedule an interview and photo opportunity with Brad, please contact John Wingate at 612-782-8551 or via email at john(at)


John said...

Go, go, go! Our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Love, John, Lynae, Annya & Amelia

(Amelia learned out to ride her two-wheeler yesterday. Give her a year or two and she'll join you!)

Chase said...

Wow Brad! What an awesome way to honor your wife, I'm sure she is watching down on you rooting you on.
May strength, health, good weather and the heavens guide you on your journey.

Peace and Love,
Chase Wright

Vicki said...

Peddle on my brother. May speed be at your back, God watching out for you and Susan be beside you all the way.

Unknown said...

God speed you guys!...
Hang in there and keep up your strength. Take your vitamins, eat your vegetables and fruits and drink lotso liquids. Get good rest and don't push so hard you wear yourselves out. Heart strong!! Love you guys

GoldThread said...

Brad...hope you threw in an extra chicken breast! ...and some butter! : )

In all seriousness, I will be praying that God's careful watch will lead you and Bob safely to Hannibel. This truely is a great cause and I'm sure, being the cheerleader she is...Susan has a lot of women in Heaven cheering the two of you on.

Tennessee Coopers

GoldThread said...

...HannibAl...sorry about the "e"!

: )

Vicki said...

Lesa's trying to surface the villan...Alright guys go forward. Enjoy the wheeee 11,000ft climb, OMG. I am trying to contact other cycle clubs in your path to try and spark some more coverage. Hope you get another great night in Denver. Gosh what a great place that was to visit. My heart is with you and my prayers are always for your success and safety. Tomorrow is always another day.

Love Vicki

Denise said...

PRESS ONWARD SOLDIERS!!!! You have Many praying for you! Trudy says MUSH ON!!! GIRL!! It must get HOT out there! Just get you a cold drank, and a wet rag for yer forehead and you'll be awight!! Much love to you! Denise

the wife said...

What a great cause and an awesome effort! Keep up the good work. I know Susan is incredibly proud of you right now!

Much love and wishes for a great remainder of your trip!

~Susie (friend of Lynae)