Sunday, July 22, 2007

Day 8 - Welcome to Missouri!

6:50 p.m. We made 79 miles today with a headwind the whole way! From Hiawatha, KS to Cameron, Missouri. I thought prevailing winds were supposted to go West to East? It was a little unsettling riding through the St. Joseph, MO area. There is quite a bit of road construction going on. On our route, which I would not take the next time, we encountered a lot of debris on the shoulder - what appeared to be old, twisted metal from cars, half of a refridgerator. I'm serious. We saw potholes 8-10 inches deep. Bob called them potholes to Hell. It was unsettling. At one point I thought we'd found Jimmy Hoffa! :-)

So, We're in Cameron for the night, beyond the urban, metallic road carnage of day 8.

We're 150 miles from Hannibal. I think its most likely that we will be arriving in Hannibal Tuesday. After a week of the wind, the hills, the heat, and just the challenges of riding a fully loaded bike, that appears to be a good, prudent plan.

We'll have the schedule posted for our arrival and the news conference at the Tom & Huck statue on North Main Street in Hannibal.

Welcome to Missouri, Bob. "Thanks Brad! Let's eat!"

Brad (and Bob)


Good morning! We had a good overnight rest in Hiawatha, Ks. It was 67 here this morning and it got up past 90 I think.

We are 48 miles or so from the western Missouri border so we'll end the day in the Show Me state! Kansas has been great. The people are terrific and we've had a lot of acquaintances in recent days. And let's not forget those Pizza Huts. I know they won't be forgetting us! :-)

Here's something to ponder on this summer Sunday:

This year, more than 20,000 women will be diagnosed with ovarian cancer. It has been diagnosed in girls as young as age eight, and women in their 90s. In fact, Susan's mother recently informed us that a woman she knows died of ovarian cancer at the age of 94.

Ovarian cancer is the quiet cancer. The symptoms can be subtle. Until there's some sort of diagnostic test or cure, symptom awareness is best. We have to catch it early. Outcomes are better when we do.

(Ssee symptoms list in the right column of this blog -> -> -> ->.)

Also...During fiscal year 2006, Congress allotted more than $150 million to breast cancer research, $80 million to prostate cancer, and just $10 million to ovarian cancer research.

Let's work together and see what we can do to make this situation better.


Vicki said...

Hey guys, goodmorning. How awesome is it to stay in a place, all things considered where you are from weather wise and wake up this time of year to those temps. Yippie Skippie...... Georgia huh, well bet they have some good ole southern food. God's watched out for this quest weather wise. Wonder if Sharon and Betty are warming up the grill and getting those "snapshots" ready to view. The showme state is about to be shown............Hoping for the continuation of the cooler temps, protection from weather and your angels to stay on your shoulders.

Love Vicki

Ginny said...

Goodmorning Brad and Bob,
I announced your quest at the luncheon I attented yesterday. Even more people will be spreading the word today. I think you will be experiencing cooler weather for a couple of days. We are having a bit of Missouri humidity here in Arizona. Ride strong and I will call ahead to all Pizza Huts!
Love Gin

amyjanetsky said...

Hi Pappa,
You rock! I think you should realy eat a Milkyway bar. It will get you down the road! Hi Brad! I hope you are taking care of Pappa. See you soon.
Love Megan

Rachel said...

Hi Brad and Bob,
Congratulations on your ride! If you had ridden through K.C., I know my Dad (do you remember John, Bob?) would have insisted that you bunk with him. He is a big cyclist. Thank you for spreading the word on the symptoms of ovarian cancer, and good luck with the rest of your ride.
(Amy's buddy)

Bob Scott said...


This is Bob Scott from the old Quincy Wheelmen. Sharon called to tell me of your progress. Tuesday morning, if weather permits, I'll ride my motorcycle west on 36 to meet you and Bob. There was a good article regarding your trip in the Hannibal paper. See you soon.


Vicki said...

Oh my gosh, see I told you there were old ghosts on that highway. Jimmy Hoffa, Elvis never know. Say hi anyway.

Well hopefully and thankfully it's been a safe trip so far. The rest anyway should be. I wondered about St Josephs when I looked it up on Google Earth and saw how busy it looked. Reminded me of kinda going through St Louis.
Rest guys........It's been a great success and it will be just the beginning of a wonderful journey that you can say you were a huge part of. I'm proud to know you both with your dedication.
And all the other "officers" helping.
Love Vicki

Denise said...

I wrote on the fsmily website "WAY TO GO!" I meant , that you made it out of foreverlongKansas!!! You've been there forever -it seems!! Anyway, Keep on "truckin" as we said back in "the good 'ole days"!!! You are loved with a SPECIAL LOVE!! Thanks for making such a commitment of your time - for something you will never be able to benefit from. You guys are AWESOME! If Vicki needs help driving the supply car next year, I'M THERE!!! You know I'd do anything to help a sister and the brothers out!!!! Just let me know!!!!

GoldThread said...

I am praying that God continues to bless you both with all of the nourishment and rest you bodies need to complete the final phase of this journey.

I shared what you guys are doing with a friend at church today...he said, "What a ministry"! And he is SO right! Brad and Bob....I can't even imagine the number of lives you have touched with this journey! The 'ripples' will continue forever really.

Ride Safe!

Vicki said...

Oh my, it looks like you are waking up to rain this morning. Get the soap out and laundry and "shower" at the same time. I hope it's a quick shower and doesn't interfer with your day. Prayers for a safe and speedy day. May the wind be at your back guys.


Vicki said...

Welcome whenever you arrive. As long as you are safe and in good health. It's a tough call when you run into variables that you hope not to. So Hannibal, just keep the coffee warm and the biscuits coming. Enjoy a wonderful reception whenever you arrive. You've done one heck of a service to American women in honor of Susan.

Love to you both